Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Managed keys for Azure Container Registry is now in preview

Bring your own encryption key for Azure Container Registry. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor Application Insights now supports Python

Azure Monitor now supports distributed tracing, metric collection, and logging of Python applications through integration with OpenCensus. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure SQL Database default configurations are changing

Azure SQL Database now has the latest Gen 5 hardware in place to ensure optimal service performance. As a result,[…]

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Virtual Network NAT now generally available

Azure Virtual Network NAT (network address translation) simplifies outbound-only Internet connectivity for virtual networks. NAT can be configured for one[…]

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Azure DNS private zones preview API is being deprecated

During public preview release, private DNS zones were created using dnszones ARM resource with zoneType property set to Private. The[…]

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Deprecation of two security recommendations for web applications

Two security recommendations related to web applications are being deprecated. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Stream Analytics managed identity authentication to Power BI is now available

Managed identity authentication for output to Power BI is now generally available in Azure Stream Analytics. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Azure Monitor Source Map Integration with Azure Blob Storage Enables Faster Debugging

Unminify JavaScript with One Click Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Application Insights now available in US Gov Arizona

Azure Monitor Application Insights is now generally available in the US Government Arizona region. Additionally, the Application Insights web availability[…]

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Azure Sphere 20.03 update now available for compatibility testing

The Azure Sphere 20.03 release is now available via the retail evaluation feed, which is meant for backwards compatibility testing.[…]

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10 ways to learn more about open source software and trends

The mentality around open source software has changed. It’s up to Enterprise IT and business leaders to keep up with IT organizations doing innovative work with open source technologies. But that’s not always easy to do, which is why we’re here to help. At AGORA TECH srls, we specialize in helping businesses modernize their IT to handle the latest and greatest open source software that comes down the line. We can help you extend your cloud investment with flexible and trustworthy infrastructure that’s amenable to the ever-changing digital world. Contact us to learn more.

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Public Preview for Azure Automation is now available in the US Gov Arizona region

Azure Automation in public preview in the US Gov Arizona region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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