Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Data Factory adds new hierarchical data handling and new flexibility for complex joins

Azure Data Factory adds new features for data flows to handle hierarchical data mapping and complex joins and lookups Source:[…]

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Azure custom role creation in the Azure portal is now generally available

Azure custom roles can now be created and edited in the Azure portal. Use the new experience to ease your[…]

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Microsoft Threat Protection will automatically turn on for eligible license holders

Effective June 1, 2020, Microsoft will automatically enable Microsoft Threat Protection features when eligible customers visit the Microsoft 365 security[…]

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Azure Monitor Logs—Concurrency query throttle is being rolled out

To ensure that Azure Monitor Logs will deliver a consistent experience for all users, a new concurrency limit is gradually[…]

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Azure Container Registry—Dedicated data endpoints now in preview

Dedicated data endpoints in Container Registry are now available in preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Sphere 20.04 update 2 is now available for compatibility testing

This update fixes a bug that prevented ISU features (SPI, I2C, UART) from working in RTApps. Azure Sphere 20.04 update[…]

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Azure Monitor for Containers support for Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4.X & OpenShift 4.X in preview

Azure Monitor for Containers is now extending our monitoring support for Kubernetes clusters hosted on Azure Red Hat OpenShift version[…]

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Accelerazione di query per Azure Data Lake Storage ora disponibile in anteprima

Azure Date Lake Storage (ADLS) supporta ora Accelerazione di query, che ottimizza il costo e le prestazioni per le applicazioni[…]

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Cross-region restore for Azure Virtual Machines using Azure Backup

With the introduction of cross-region restore, you can now initiate restores in a secondary region at will to mitigate real[…]

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Azure File shares snapshot management by Azure Backup is now generally available

Azure File shares snapshot management by Azure Backup is now generally available Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Service Health security advisories are now available

Azure Service Health now has security advisories. These are a notification type that will communicate urgent security-related information affecting your[…]

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Spatial geometry in Azure Cosmos DB now generally available

Support for spatial geometry in Azure Cosmos DB is now generally available. Store both spatial geometry and geography data in[…]

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