Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Verrà eseguita la migrazione delle visualizzazioni personalizzate con Progettazione visualizzazioni a Cartelle di lavoro di Monitoraggio di Azure

Monitoraggio di Azure apporta modifiche all’esperienza delle visualizzazioni personalizzate in Aree di lavoro di Log Analytics. A partire dal mese[…]

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The chief data officer’s guide to an AI strategy

AI technology is unlike any other we have seen in recent years. In the past, most businesses would simply look for ways to fit new technology advancements into their current operations. Now, the enormous potential of AI may actually change the direction of business strategies as a whole. If that seems overwhelming, don’t panic! This guide will get you asking the right questions and started down the right path. As you consider the potential for AI to transform your business, we at AGORA TECH srls are excited to help you along the way.

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Windows 10: Built for Education

Students deserve to be prepared for the future! Learn how to empower them through #EDU #technology. #Windows10 devices are affordable, rugged and offer touch and ink capabilities. Contact us to ​unlock the power of learning. #Microsoft #EducationalTechnology #K12

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Exposing the Top 4 Myths of Cloud Security

Security breaches and their business impact make the headlines frequently, underscoring the need for more stringent security. In fact, 74% of IT leaders say security concerns are what holds them back from moving to the #cloud. What is the reality? Get the real story from this eBook on four common myths about cloud security and #MSCloud facts. To get started, contact us to have your questions answered about Windows 10 and Office 365 solutions from AGORA TECH srls.

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Customer story: With Microsoft AI, Comics go head to head at the Laugh Battle

AI technology can do more than just crunch numbers. At the National Comedy Center in Jamestown, New York, AI is being used for something much more human. Six comedians are using Microsoft’s Face API to see who can keep a straight face while making their opponents crack up. While this competition is all in good fun, it demonstrates that this application is just one example of the wide range of real-world uses for Microsoft AI. As technology continues to progress, the only thing holding us back is imagination.

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Increase Productivity and Security with Windows and Office

According to @BCG, 61% of employees believe effective business tools are vital to offering faster services. Work smarter, not harder. Protect your everyday business, while saving time and resources. With #Windows 10 and #Office365, you can increase productivity, ensure security, and reduce cost. Get modern with AGORA TECH srls and Microsoft.

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Azure Sphere 20.04 Update 1 è ora disponibile per i test della compatibilità

Azure Sphere 20.04 Update 1 sostituirà Azure Sphere 20.04 per i test della compatibilità nel feed Evaluation. Questo aggiornamento corregge[…]

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Raccomandazioni relative alle identità ora incluse nel livello Gratuito del Centro sicurezza di Azure

Le raccomandazioni sulla sicurezza relative a identità e accesso nel livello Gratuito del Centro sicurezza di Azure sono ora disponibili[…]

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Cache HPC di Azure – Gli snapshot rapidi sono ora disponibili

Gli aggiornamenti recenti di Cache HPC di Azure includono snapshot rapidi, supporto per l’impostazione Unità massima di trasmissione, espansione nell’area[…]

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Azure Migrate is now available in Azure Government

All Azure Migrate features, including agentless discovery and assessment, application inventory, and migration, are now available in Azure Government. Source:[…]

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Azure Support API is generally available

Create and manage Azure support tickets programmatically Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Automatic instance repairs for virtual machine scale sets now available

Virtual machine scale sets now provide the capability to automatically repair unhealthy instances based on application health status. Source: Microsoft[…]

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