Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

We All Knew Tech Would Make Work Better

According to the @NYTimes and @Microsoft, by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. “For the first time, there are five generations working together–from the youngest of the Greatest Generation to the oldest of Gen Z. After a revolution in the workplace spurred by technology, companies are finding that a balanced approach may be the most effective.” Our team can help you modernize your workplace to meet the needs of your diverse workforce. Visit https://www.agoratech.eu to learn more about our Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Business solutions.

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Azure SQL Database serverless compute auto-scaling limits increase more than twofold

The maximum vCore limit for Azure SQL Database serverless has increased over twofold to 40 vCores. The higher limits provide[…]

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Windows Server containers in AKS is now available in Azure Government

Windows Server containers in AKS is now available in Azure Government. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Kubernetes Service upgrade improvements are now in preview

Two new AKS upgrade capabilities that will improve the granularity and efficiency of regular Kubernetes upgrade operations are now in[…]

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Azure Kubernetes Service—Integrated application gateway feature now available

Azure Application Gateway ingress controller (AGIC), a managed, scalable, and highly available application delivery controller, is now available to use[…]

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Azure Spring Cloud updates

New features in Spring Cloud that boost developer productivity, enable more DevOps scenarios, and make the platform production ready, are[…]

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Azure Media Services now supports Live Transcription preview in additional regions

Live transcription is a new feature of Azure Media Services v3 APIs, wherein you can enhance the streams delivered to[…]

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Azure Spring Cloud Basic tier is now in preview

Get started with Spring Cloud development and testing at a lower cost Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Transparent data encryption with customer-managed keys for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale

Transparent data encryption (TDE) helps protect Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and Synapse SQL in Azure Synapse Analytics[…]

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Data encryption for Azure Database for PostgreSQL—single server

The preview of data encryption for Azure Database for PostgreSQL—single server is now available. Data encryption with customer-managed keys for[…]

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Large storage for Azure Database for MariaDB

Support for up to 16 TB of storage and up to 20,000 IOPS in Azure Database for MariaDB is now[…]

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Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together

Cloud service providers can play a key role in the modernization of app development simply by using open-source databases on the cloud, reducing time-to-market. This is helpful since more and more consumers are using apps not only for social networking, but for news, food, information, and more. Read “Bringing Apps and Start-ups Together” by Prabhakar Jayakumar, and connect with AGORA TECH srls for more SMB content.

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