Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Sphere OS update 20.06 is now available for compatibility testing

The Azure Sphere OS quality update 20.06 is now available for evaluation via the retail evaluation feed. The release includes[…]

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Azure IoT Central jobs and metrics feature updates—May 2020

May 2020 jobs and metrics feature updates for Azure IoT Central are now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Budgets in Cost Management now accounts threshold edits and alert limits above 100%

Budget evaluations in Azure Cost Management now re-fire alerts for the same period after you edit a budget. Additionally, now[…]

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Analisi di video live ora in anteprima pubblica

Analisi di video live è una piattaforma per acquisire, registrare e analizzare video live e pubblicare i risultati (video e/o[…]

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Aggiornamenti di Gestione API di Azure – Giugno 2020

Il 10 giugno 2020 è stato avviato un aggiornamento normale del servizio Gestione API di Azure che include nuove funzionalità,[…]

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Azure App Service hybrid connections for Linux apps is now available

The hybrid connections feature of Azure App Service, which enables access to resources in disparate networks, is now available in[…]

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Azure App Service regional virtual network integration for Linux apps is now available

The regional virtual network integration feature of Azure App Service, which enables access to resources in your virtual network across[…]

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We All Knew Tech Would Make Work Better

According to the @NYTimes and @Microsoft, by 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. “For the first time, there are five generations working together–from the youngest of the Greatest Generation to the oldest of Gen Z. After a revolution in the workplace spurred by technology, companies are finding that a balanced approach may be the most effective.” Our team can help you modernize your workplace to meet the needs of your diverse workforce. Visit https://www.agoratech.eu to learn more about our Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Business solutions.

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Azure SQL Database serverless compute auto-scaling limits increase more than twofold

The maximum vCore limit for Azure SQL Database serverless has increased over twofold to 40 vCores. The higher limits provide[…]

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Windows Server containers in AKS is now available in Azure Government

Windows Server containers in AKS is now available in Azure Government. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Kubernetes Service upgrade improvements are now in preview

Two new AKS upgrade capabilities that will improve the granularity and efficiency of regular Kubernetes upgrade operations are now in[…]

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Azure Kubernetes Service—Integrated application gateway feature now available

Azure Application Gateway ingress controller (AGIC), a managed, scalable, and highly available application delivery controller, is now available to use[…]

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