Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure NetApp Files | Volume hard quota change

The Azure NetApp Files behavior of volume and capacity pool provisioning will change to a manual and controllable mechanism beginning[…]

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Public preview: Application Insights work item integration for Azure DevOps & GitHub

Azure Monitor Application Insights has released a new way to create work items based on application insights telemetry. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Generally available: Application Insights synthetic monitoring SLA report template

Azure Monitor Application Insights has released a new report template to enable easy reporting of your web tests across Application[…]

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Application Insights availability troubleshooting report for URL tests

Azure Monitor Application Insights has released a troubleshooting report for URL ping web tests to help quickly identify the root[…]

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Public preview: Application Insights auto-instrumentation for .NET5 App Services

Azure Monitor application insights now offers auto-instrumentation for .NET5 based Windows App Services. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Cross Region Restore of Azure VMs now generally available

Today we’re announcing the general availability of Cross Region Restore (CRR) for Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) support using Microsoft[…]

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New disk bursting metrics

New disk bursting metrics that help you gain insight into your disks IO and bandwidth limits for your provisioned and[…]

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Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Data is the great equalizer of today’s organizations. What once required years of experience to deduce can now be pointed out in a second with real-time dashboards and reports. Follow AGORA TECH srls to learn how you can gain access to insight-rich data with #Microsoft #AzureIoT.

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Transform your business from local to global with digital collaboration. Get started with Microsoft Teams.

The success of remote collaboration can be attributed in large part to the robustness and flexibility of the tools created with cloud technology. So how can #MicrosoftTeams help your organization make the jump from local to global? Contact AGORA TECH srls to learn more and start your cloud journey.

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Cloud Migration Essentials

Migrating to the cloud can require careful IT planning and strategy. Learn how to approach your cloud migration, assess your servers, virtual machines and applications, confidently execute your migration, and optimize your cloud services. Download the Cloud Migration Essentials eBook from Azure and contact AGORA TECH srls to learn more.

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Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

Long-time #Microsoft customer, #TheWalshGroup chose the Microsoft Azure team when they were ready to invest in integrated Threat Protection with a zero-trust approach. See how the company gained a competitive edge in the article below.

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Azure IoT Edge 1.1.0 release is now generally available

Azure IoT Edge 1.1.0 is our first long term servicing (LTS) release. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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