Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Bertrandt’s HARRI is a self-driving success, thanks to Microsoft Azure

Maps that precisely plot road signs, traffic lights, lanes, and sidewalks within a few centimeters—that’s the sort of data-intensive information required to make Bertrandt’s self-driving car project HARRI a reality. And it took Microsoft Azure Services to tame the tremendous flood of data needed to drive HARRI, as a small map’s worth of data with this level of detail would overwhelm the vehicle’s on-board storage capabilities. Azure DevOps facilitated the creation of the exacting software for this solution by coordinating the work of development, operations, and quality assurance teams.

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Learn with Visual Studio Remote Office Hours

More and more developers are working from home with #Microsoft #VisualStudio integrated development environment and #GitHub. While editing, debugging, and building code as well as publishing an app from your personal workspace is great, connecting with other developers can make your work even better. #RemoteOfficeHours is a new live broadcast directly from the Visual Studio team—a show by developers for developers. Read on and contact AGORA TECH srls to learn more.

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McCann & MullenLowe – Microsoft Teams Case Study

When bringing companies with different technology systems together, it can be difficult to efficiently collaborate. #Microsoft Teams can help. Learn how its single platform system provided McCann and MullenLowe with the solution they needed to enable their employees to work together. Check out this video:

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General availability: Cross region replication for Azure NetApp Files

Azure NetApp Files supports cross region replication for disaster-recovery (DR) purposes and provides frequent, efficient and cost-effective volume and snapshot[…]

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OCR (Read) supports 122 languages in the Cognitive Services Computer Vision public preview

Computer Vision Read API for Optical Character Recognition (OCR), part of Cognitive Services, announces its public preview with new languages[…]

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Automate code-to-cloud workflows with a seamlessly integrated DevOps platform

With the ability to commit changes and quickly deploy them to the cloud using tools such as GitHub Actions and Azure Pipelines for CI/CD, developer teams gain agility in deploying and maintaining their apps. Sign up to stay connected. We can help you learn more about using Microsoft Azure DevOps with GitHub and Visual Studio.

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General availability: Azure IoT Central new and updated features—September 2021

September updates include dashboard and analytics enhancements, improvements to device registration, and support for bring your own device keys. Source:[…]

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Azure HDInsight support for Restricted Public Connectivity is generally available

You can now create Azure HDInsight with restricted public connectivity resulting in a more secure networking infrastructure. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure HDInsight support for Azure Private Link is generally available

Enhance your security posture by leveraging Azure Private Link to connect to your HDInsight cluster privately across networks over Microsoft[…]

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Announcing Azure Synapse Analytics pre-purchase plans, now generally available

You can now save up to 28 percent on Azure Synapse workloads without sacrificing flexibility with Azure Synapse pre-purchase plans. […]

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Azure Maps iOS SDK is now in public preview

Develop integrated immersive mapping solutions for mobile applications with Azure Maps iOS SDK Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Machine Learning now generally available in West US 3

Azure Machine learning, bringing AI to everyone with an end-to-end, scalable, trusted platform available in West US 3. Source: Microsoft[…]

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