Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Object replication in public preview for Premium Block Blob Storage

Object replication allows you to replicate your premium block blob data at the blob level from one storage account to[…]

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General availability: Azure Data Factory managed virtual network

Azure Data Factory managed virtual network provides you with a more secure and manageable data integration solution. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Site Recovery update rollup 58 is now generally available – September 2021

The latest Azure Site Recovery update provides fixes and download links for Site Recovery components. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Da sottotitoli e trascrizioni in tempo reale estesi alla predisposizione per Windows 11: ecco le novità di Microsoft 365

Questo mese, annunciamo i sottotitoli avanzati nelle riunioni Microsoft Teams, la collaborazione tra più persone nei documenti crittografati, le funzionalità[…]

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General availability: Enable hierarchical namespace for existing Azure Storage accounts

Accelerating value through data analytics by enabling the Azure Data Lake Storage hierarchical namespace for existing Azure Storage accounts is now generally[…]

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Azure Automation Hybrid Worker Extension for Azure and Arc-enabled servers now in public preview

Onboard Azure Automation User Hybrid Runbook Worker based on VM extension platform for Azure Virtual machines and Arc-enabled servers. The[…]

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Az module support in Azure Automation is now available

Azure Automation now supports Az-module by default for all new Automation Accounts. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Purview is now generally available

The Azure Purview Data Map and Data Catalog are generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure IoT middleware for FreeRTOS in general availability

Announcing the release of a solution to simplify the connection of devices running FreeRTOS to Azure IoT services. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Effective DevOps—Building a DevOps Culture at Scale

DevOps enables organizations to deliver software faster and more reliably. But to get the desired results, it’s important to know that there’s more to building an effective DevOps practice than learning new methodologies and technologies. Learn about how culture is the key to a successful DevOps transformation in this e-Book from #Microsoft.

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Norway East Availability Zones now generally available

Azure Availability Zones are now generally available in the Norway East region. These three new zones provide customers with options[…]

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6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps

DevOps methodologies provide businesses with a faster and more efficient way to do code—and organizations are turning to DevSecOps as the solution to harden security and address compliance at the same time. Starting DevSecOps practices can be challenging, especially when working with siloed teams, or when there is reluctance to add security and compliance checks to the delivery pipelines—but we are here to help. Sign up to stay connected and download 6 ways to kickstart DevSecOps—and get started integrating security into your practices.

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