Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

How to build autonomous systems with AI

Implementing AI can mean different things for different industries. This short video explains how Toyota Material Handling partnered with #Microsoft to create autonomous forklifts to help around warehouses. Together with Microsoft, AGORA TECH srls has your back.

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Public preview refresh: Azure IoT Central REST API new and updated endpoints

IoT Central REST API now supports a series of new API endpoints that you can access through the 1.1-preview endpoint. […]

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Private preview: Root cause analysis, new telemetry, & alerts for SAP NetWeaver in AMS

View root cause analysis (RCA) for SAP system unavailability caused by virtual machine or host outage and new telemetry for SAP[…]

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Public preview: New SAP HANA telemetry in AMS

SAP HANA license status, delta merges, and more telemetry now available in Azure Monitor for SAP Solutions. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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General availability of custom OpenID providers in App Service and Azure Functions

Support for authenticating clients of App Service and Azure Functions using OpenID Connect is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Scheduler will be retired on 31 January 2022

Transition to Azure Log Apps before 31 January 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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In development: New planned datacenter region in Belgium (Belgium Central)

Microsoft has announced plans to bring a new datacenter region to Belgium, including Availability Zones. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Security beyond Microsoft products

Maintain security across devices and platforms, with two factor authentication and integrated Threat Protection. @Microsoft365 is making security simple once again. See the video below for more.

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Digital transformation and the customer experience

For many executives, the customer experience is a pivotal and decisive factor when it comes to future business performance. As customers face pandemic-induced circumstances, companies must accelerate their plans for a digital transformation strategy catering to the needs and demands of the modern-day user. Discover more about digital transformation and contact AGORA TECH srls to begin yours.

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Building the AI-Powered Organization

More and more businesses implement #AI technology, but some see greater successes than others. To scale and make the most of AI technology, organizations must adopt a holistic approach and rewire from within. This thought leadership piece details core practices for adapting to AI. Read on:

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For news, insights, and guidance on #Microsoft tools and solutions, follow AGORA TECH srls and subscribe now.

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2 Types of Artificial Intelligence

Bring the future into your business today with AI. With pre-built or custom AI, see how your business can transform engagements with customers and employees, as well as leverage AI to get actionable insight from your data. Check it out here!

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