Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

DevOps Starter is being retired. Use Azure Developer CLI for quick-start deployments to Azure

DevOps Starter is being retired. Use Azure Developer CLI for quick-start deployments to Azure. Monitor existing CI/CD pipelines from their[…]

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Azure Batch Job/Pool Lifetime Statistics API will be retired on 30 April 2023

Retirement Notice: Stop using Batch Job/Pool Lifetime Statistics API by 30 April 2023. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Static Web Apps support for Node 12 ends on 3 December 2022

Post 3 December 2022, Azure Static Web Apps will end support for Node 12. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Support for Azure API Management self-hosted gateway version 0 and version 1 ends 1 October 2023

After 1 October 2023, version 0 and version 1 self-hosted gateway will not be supported. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Batch TLS 1.0/1.1 will be retired on 31 March 2023

Retirement notice: Transition to Azure Batch TLS 1.2 by 31 March 2023. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor ITSM connector for creating ServiceNow alerts will be retired on 30 September 2025

We are retiring the Azure Monitor ITSM connector feature for creating ServiceNow alerts on 30 September 2025. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Public preview: Policy analytics for Azure Firewall

You can now manage firewall rules over time by providing insights and analysis of traffic flowing through Azure Firewall. Source:[…]

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General availability: ExpressRoute FastPath support for Vnet peering and UDRs

FastPath support for virtual network peering and user defined routes (UDRs) enables high-bandwidth connectivity to workloads deployed across hub-and-spoke architectures. […]

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Azure SQL—General availability updates for late September 2022

General availability enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL in late September 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure SQL—Public preview updates for late September 2022

Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL in late September 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure SQL Database Hyperscale reverse migration to general purpose tier

Easily move your previously migrated databases on Azure SQL Database Hyperscale back to the general purpose tier. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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General availability: Backup and restore in Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server

Restore a server to another geo-paired region with geo redundant and restore for Flexible Server on Azure Database for PostgreSQL,[…]

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