DevOps Starter is being retired. Use Azure Developer CLI for quick-start deployments to Azure. Monitor existing CI/CD pipelines from their[…]
Leggi di piùRetirement Notice: Stop using Batch Job/Pool Lifetime Statistics API by 30 April 2023. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùPost 3 December 2022, Azure Static Web Apps will end support for Node 12. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùAfter 1 October 2023, version 0 and version 1 self-hosted gateway will not be supported. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùRetirement notice: Transition to Azure Batch TLS 1.2 by 31 March 2023. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùWe are retiring the Azure Monitor ITSM connector feature for creating ServiceNow alerts on 30 September 2025. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]
Leggi di piùYou can now manage firewall rules over time by providing insights and analysis of traffic flowing through Azure Firewall. Source:[…]
Leggi di piùFastPath support for virtual network peering and user defined routes (UDRs) enables high-bandwidth connectivity to workloads deployed across hub-and-spoke architectures. […]
Leggi di piùGeneral availability enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL in late September 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùPublic preview enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL in late September 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùEasily move your previously migrated databases on Azure SQL Database Hyperscale back to the general purpose tier. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]
Leggi di piùRestore a server to another geo-paired region with geo redundant and restore for Flexible Server on Azure Database for PostgreSQL,[…]
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