Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Service Operator stable release version 2.0 now available

Create and manage over 100 Azure resources such as databases, storage accounts, VMs, and more from within Kubernetes. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Hotpatch is now available on preview images of Windows Server VMs on Azure with the Desktop Experience installation mode

Hotpatch is available for preview images of Windows Server Azure Edition VMs running the Desktop Experience installation mode. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Nation-state threat actor Mint Sandstorm refines tradecraft to attack high-value targets

Over the past several months, Microsoft has observed a mature subgroup of Mint Sandstorm, an Iranian nation-state actor previously tracked[…]

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Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy

Today, Microsoft is excited to announce that we are shifting to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned to the[…]

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Regional expansion: Azure Elastic SAN Public Preview is now available in more regions.

Azure Elastic SAN (preview) is now available in Australia East, North Europe, Sweden Central, UK South, West Europe, East US,[…]

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Protect intellectual property with Govern 365 and Microsoft Purview

This blog post is part of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association guest blog series. Learn more about MISA.  Global supply chains face[…]

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See product news and on-demand sessions from Microsoft Secure

“Great speakers and very knowledgeable.” “Brilliant.” “Wonderful and very useful.” The first Microsoft Secure on March 28, 2023, was a[…]

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General Availability: Azure CNI Overlay

Azure CNI Overlay utilizes an overlay network to reduce IP utilization while providing better performance and scale.   Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Retirement notice: transition to the Authentication methods policy for Azure Active Directory

The ability to manage authentication methods in the legacy MFA and SSPR policies will be retired on 30 September 2024. […]

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Low-code signals 2023

Low-code: One of the best investment for IT departments in 2023Under these current economic pressures, organizations are being squeezed at[…]

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Threat actors strive to cause Tax Day headaches

Threat actors often take advantage of current events and major news headlines to align attacks and leverage social engineering when[…]

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Use Stream Analytics to process exported data from Application Insights

Use Stream Analytics to process exported data from Application Insights Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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