Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Unlock the potential of AI in the telecommunications industry

The telecommunications industry is facing unprecedented challenges as the global economy struggles with rising inflation and squeezed revenues. The pressure[…]

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Private Preview: Enable Trusted launch on your existing Azure Gen2 VMs

Use this preview to enable Trusted launch on your existing Gen2 VMs to improve foundational security of your Gen2 VMs. […]

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Private Preview: Enable Trusted launch on your existing Azure Gen2 VMs

Use this preview to enable Trusted launch on your existing Gen2 VMs to improve foundational security of your Gen2 VMs. […]

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General Availability: NGINXaaS – Azure Native ISV Service

Natively integrated software as a service (SaaS) solution for advanced traffic management and monitoring on Azure. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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General Availability: NGINXaaS – Azure Native ISV Service

Natively integrated software as a service (SaaS) solution for advanced traffic management and monitoring on Azure. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Public Preview: Azure Chaos Studio is now available in Sweden Central region

Azure Chaos Studio is now available in Sweden Central region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public Preview: Azure Chaos Studio is now available in Sweden Central region

Azure Chaos Studio is now available in Sweden Central region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS add-on to support Windows nodes

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS metrics add-on to support Prometheus metric collection from the Windows nodes in[…]

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Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS add-on to support Windows nodes

Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus has updated our AKS metrics add-on to support Prometheus metric collection from the Windows nodes in[…]

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Empowering first responders with Microsoft

Microsoft for Public Safety and Justice and our partners are on a mission to deliver innovation for fire agencies around[…]

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MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment

Microsoft Threat Intelligence has detected destructive operations enabled by MERCURY, a nation-state actor linked to the Iranian government, that attacked[…]

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General availability: Read replicas for Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server

The Dlsv5 and Dldsv5 VM series provide 2GiBs per vCPU and can offer lower price points within the general-purpose Azure[…]

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