Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Women in manufacturing

The need to have a diverse workforce in manufacturing continues. Companies are focusing on ways to add new, multi-faceted talent[…]

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Public preview update: Azure Automation supports PowerShell 7.2 and Python 3.10 runbooks

Azure Automation has expanded Public preview support for PowerShell 7.2 and Python 3.10 runbooks. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General Availability: New General-Purpose VMs – Dlsv5 and Dldsv5

The Dlsv5 and Dldsv5 VM series provide 2GiBs per vCPU and can offer lower price points within the general-purpose Azure[…]

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3 IDC FutureScape prediction reports for manufacturing in 2023

The International Data Corporation (IDC) is one of the world’s leading market-intelligence providers for the information technology and consumer technology[…]

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Action recommended: Implement disaster recovery strategies for your Azure App Service web apps by 31 March 2025

We’ll no longer place apps in disaster recovery mode in the event of a regional disaster. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Action recommended: Implement disaster recovery strategies for your Azure App Service web apps by 31 March 2025

We’ll no longer place apps in disaster recovery mode in the event of a regional disaster. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Action Required: Transition to DCR-based KQL transformations by 31 March 2026 

Custom fields feature will be retired on 31 March 2026 Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Action Required: Transition to DCR-based KQL transformations by 31 March 2026 

Custom fields feature will be retired on 31 March 2026 Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server will be retired—migrate to Flexible Server by 28 March 2025

On 28 March 2025, Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server will be retired, and you’ll need to migrate to Azure[…]

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Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server will be retired—migrate to Flexible Server by 28 March 2025

On 28 March 2025, Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single Server will be retired, and you’ll need to migrate to Azure[…]

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