Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Retirement notice: Azure Media Services is being retired on 30 June 2024

Azure Media Services will be retired on 30 June 2024 – transition to a Microsoft partner solution or Azure Video[…]

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Analysis of Storm-0558 techniques for unauthorized email access

Executive summary On July 11, 2023, Microsoft published two blogs detailing a malicious campaign by a threat actor tracked as[…]

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Generally available: Autoscale Stream Analytics jobs

Generally available: Autoscale Stream Analytics jobs Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public Preview: Azure Dedicated Host – Resize

Introducing resize capability for Azure dedicated hosts Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Microsoft Dev Box is now generally available

Microsoft Dev Box is generally available now. Dev Box is a virtualized solution that empowers developers to quickly spin up[…]

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General availability: ExpressRoute private peering support for BGP communities

Set BGP community tags on traffic sent from Azure to on-premises over ExpressRoute, enabling a greater variety of hybrid network[…]

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General availability: Call automation capabilities for Azure Communication Services

A new set of APIs are in preview, to help developers build server-based, calling workflows. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Datadog – An Azure Native ISV Service – the most desired new features now available

Explore new capabilities with Datadog – An Azure Native ISV Service, that include a scalable solution to monitor resources in[…]

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Storm-0978 attacks reveal financial and espionage motives

Microsoft has identified a phishing campaign conducted by the threat actor tracked as Storm-0978 targeting defense and government entities in[…]

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Public preview: Latest generation burstable VMs – Bsv2, Basv2, and Bpsv2

The new second generation burstable VMs provide the lowest cost of entry to the Azure VM portfolio with greater performance. […]

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Azure AD is becoming Microsoft Entra ID

Microsoft Entra ID is the new name for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). No action is required from you. Source:[…]

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Microsoft Entra expands into Security Service Edge and Azure AD becomes Microsoft Entra ID

A year ago when we announced the Microsoft Entra product family, we asked what the world could achieve if we[…]

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