3 Giugno 2020
Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Windows 10 Security Features

How would you like to reduce costs and enhance your security features on a new device? $1.1 million was saved by those using Windows 10 as a result of reduced productivity impact of malware infections. With #Windows 10, you can save time, stay up to date, and reduce costs. Check out the full @Forrester study on @Windows security features. And if you’re ready to replace your old device and #GoModern, contact AGORA TECH srls to learn more.

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3 Giugno 2020
Get Help Putting Technology in Your School

Get the most from your #tech to prepare students to be successful in our ever-changing world. Learn how #Microsoft makes this possible. #Microsoft #K12 #MicrosoftEducation #Windows10

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3 Giugno 2020
Lizo | Digital transformation in the oil & gas industry: improving on-site safety

We know that for some businesses, real-time updates of their facilities and equipment is essential. Saving time is saving money, but it’s just as important to maintain site safety. It’s also known that cloud-based software can most efficiently manage large volumes of data. That’s where Microsoft @Azure fits the bill. Watch how a company such as Lizo can meet all of their customer needs, including cost savings. Connect with AGORA TECH srls today for more information about #Azure.

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3 Giugno 2020
Aggiornamento della sicurezza del motore Moby per Azure IoT Edge per CVE-2020-13401

È stata identificata una vulnerabilità di sicurezza nei componenti del motore Moby in Azure IoT Edge. Le versioni Windows non sono interessate. Ottieni informazioni dettagliate e segui le istruzioni per risolvere il problema nel motore Moby versione 3.0.12 o successiva. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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2 Giugno 2020
Le nuove macchine virtuali di Azure con unità SSD locali a prestazioni elevate sono ora disponibili a livello generale

Le nuove macchine virtuali di Azure della serie Dd v4 e Ed v4 includono il processore personalizzato Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL. Le dimensioni di macchine virtuali della serie Dd v4 e Dds v4 sono ideali per applicazioni che traggono vantaggio da risorse di archiviazione locali a bassa latenza[…]

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