Configure long-term backup retention for SQL Managed Instance databases and retain database backups beyond the 35 days provided by Azure SQL Managed Instance automated backups, for up to 10 years. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreGet a single monitoring experience for all your cloud-based SQL deployments with Azure Monitor SQL insights Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreControl who can access your SQL data by using dynamic data masking granular permission on your Azure SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure SQL Managed Instance. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreAzure and AMD announce landmark in confidential computing evolution — it is now even easier to extend your protection of data at rest and data in transit to protect data in use. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreProtect your APIs from several OWASP API Security Top 10 vulnerabilities without requiring an add-on solution. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
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