12 Aprile 2023
LinkedIn and Microsoft Entra introduce a new way to verify your workplace

In the digital world, when you meet professional contacts for the first time online, you need additional trust signals to increase your confidence that they are who they say they are. We’re thrilled to announce that millions of LinkedIn members will be able to verify their place of[…]

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11 Aprile 2023
Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2022-21894: The BlackLotus campaign

This guide provides steps that organizations can take to assess whether users have been targeted or compromised by threat actors exploiting CVE-2022-21894 via a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) bootkit called BlackLotus. UEFI bootkits are particularly dangerous as they run at computer startup, prior to the operating system[…]

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11 Aprile 2023
DEV-0196: QuaDream’s “KingsPawn” malware used to target civil society in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia

Microsoft Threat Intelligence analysts assess with high confidence that a threat group tracked by Microsoft as DEV-0196 is linked to an Israel-based private sector offensive actor (PSOA) known as QuaDream. QuaDream reportedly sells a platform they call REIGN to governments for law enforcement purposes. REIGN is a suite[…]

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11 Aprile 2023
Unlock the potential of AI in the telecommunications industry

The telecommunications industry is facing unprecedented challenges as the global economy struggles with rising inflation and squeezed revenues. The pressure on telco budgetsparticularly on personnel costs, energy, external spending on services, leases, and capital expenditures, which equates to 60 percent of the telco spendingis putting a strain on[…]

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10 Aprile 2023
Private Preview: Enable Trusted launch on your existing Azure Gen2 VMs

Use this preview to enable Trusted launch on your existing Gen2 VMs to improve foundational security of your Gen2 VMs. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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