22 Giugno 2023
Public Preview: Network Observability add-on on AKS

Enable network observability add-on on AKS clusters to gain insights into how your cluster operate and to identify potential problems before they cause outages or performance degradation. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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22 Giugno 2023
IoT devices and Linux-based systems targeted by OpenSSH trojan campaign

Cryptojacking, the illicit use of computing resources to mine cryptocurrency, has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, with attackers building a cybercriminal economy around attack tools, infrastructure, and services to generate revenue from targeting a wide range of vulnerable systems, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Microsoft researchers[…]

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22 Giugno 2023
General Availability: Azure Sphere version 23.05

The Azure Sphere version 23.05 release includes various new features and developer resources. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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20 Giugno 2023
General availability: Introducing DropMappedField transformation for data mappings in Azure Data Explorer

Azure Data Explorer has added a new capability called “DropMappedField” to its data mappings. This feature allows users to map an object in a JSON document to a column while removing any nested fields that are already referenced by other column mappings. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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20 Giugno 2023
Enhance command and control with AI and machine learning

The rapidly evolving use of commercial technologies in the operating environment, as evidenced most recently by the conflict in Ukraine, has made it clear—militaries that leverage the vast capabilities of cloud-enabled technology benefit from distinct advantages in command and control, as well as mission outcomes.  Now more than[…]

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