13 Luglio 2018
Azure Functions Runtime x Preview—breaking change for HttpTrigger for Java

A new version of the Azure Functions Runtime will be deployed soon. It uses the latest version of Azure Java Functions Library v1.0.0-beta-5, which has breaking changes that affect HttpTrigger Java functions. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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12 Luglio 2018
Public preview: Azure Data Box Disk

Azure Data Box Disk, an SSD-disk based option for offline data transfer to Azure, is now in preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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12 Luglio 2018
4 new ways Microsoft 365 takes the work out of teamwork—including free version of Microsoft Teams

It’s been one year since we introduced Microsoft 365, a holistic workplace solution that empowers everyone to work together in a secure way. In that time, Microsoft 365 seats have grown by more than 100 percent, building on the more than 135 million commercial monthly Office 365 users, 200[…]

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12 Luglio 2018
4 nuove offerte per semplificare il lavoro in team con Microsoft 365, inclusa la versione gratuita di Microsoft Teams

È passato un anno da quando abbiamo introdotto Microsoft 365, una soluzione olistica che favorisce la collaborazione negli ambienti di lavoro in completa sicurezza. In questo arco di tempo, le postazioni di Microsoft 365 sono aumentate di oltre il 100%, con più di 135 milioni al mese di[…]

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12 Luglio 2018
Introducing Workplace Analytics solutions and MyAnalytics nudges

Collaboration habits can make or break teamwork. When people run efficient meetings, create time for focused work, and respect work/life boundaries their teams thrive. Putting these habits in place is difficult and takes the support of the entire team. Data can create a common language to help members[…]

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