Windows Admin Center is a management portal for Windows Servers who are not deployed in Azure offering them several Azure management capabilities such as backup and system updates. We have recently added an ability to onboard these non-Azure servers to be protected by ASC directly from the Windows[…]
Read MoreToday we are introducing a new capability in Security Center that allows customers to create automation configurations leveraging Azure Logic Apps and to create policies that will automatically trigger them based on specific ASC findings such as Recommendations or Alerts. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreWith the many tasks that a user is given as part of Secure Score, the ability to effectively remediate issues across a large fleet can become challenging. In order to simplify remediation of security misconfigurations and to be able to quickly remediate recommendations on a bulk of resources[…]
Read MoreOggi alla conferenza Microsoft Ignite a Orlando, in Florida, abbiamo annunciato le prossime novità di Microsoft 365 in sei aree di investimento fondamentali: produttività, conoscenza, flusso di lavoro, sicurezza, conformità e gestione. Microsoft 365 è il cloud della produttività mondiale e ciò che lega queste nuove funzionalità è[…]
Read MoreBlob Storage module now provides integration with Event Grid on IoT Edge Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
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