Effective February 3, 2020, the resource GUIDs (also known as meter IDs) and names of Azure low-priority virtual machines on scale sets will change. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreThe new filter pane goes live in all reports in April 2020. Turn it on now to fine-tune the formatting in your reports before then. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreAzure Bastion is now generally available in two more Azure public cloud regions—East US 2 and West US 2. We’ll continue to add more regions going forward. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreTo address customer security and manageability requirements, managed instance, a deployment capability of Azure SQL Database, is transitioning from a manual to service-aided subnet configuration. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreIl supporto per la valutazione dei server fisici è ora disponibile in anteprima in Azure, oltre al supporto esistente per i server VMware e Hyper-V. L’appliance per i server fisici può essere installata in un server Windows esistente. Questa funzionalità può essere usata per valutare le macchine virtuali[…]
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