10 Marzo 2020
Customer story: Goodyear

Goodyear’s mission is to deliver innovative solutions that keep the world moving. But to keep their own team driving forward, they needed a solution that would help keep them connected in the dispersed operating environment they’re in today. With tools like Office 365, Goodyear can collaborate easier and faster than ever before. You can collaborate and innovate as fast as Goodyear with the right set of tools. At AGORA TECH srls, we have the industry knowledge you need to help you become more productive with a modern desktop solution. Contact us today to learn more.

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10 Marzo 2020
Customer Story: Bridgeport Public Schools

Every teacher wants their students to succeed. But in a constantly evolving digital society, it can be challenging to provide students with updated digital learning tools. The Bridgeport Public Schools are ensuring that students are equal to any task by providing them with a scalable education that evolves in tandem with ever-improving technology. With the latest education technology in Windows 10, educators are ensuring that students have what they need to thrive. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to make every student story a success story.

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10 Marzo 2020
Istanza gestita di database SQL di Azure impone ora TLS 1.2 alle connessioni in uscita

Nel mese di gennaio 2020 Microsoft ha imposto TLS 1.2 per il traffico tra servizi in tutti i servizi di Azure. Per Istanza gestita di database SQL di Azure è stato quindi imposto TLS 1.2 nelle connessioni in uscita usate per la replica e nelle connessioni al server[…]

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10 Marzo 2020
Preparazione per TLS 1.2 in Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure consiglia a tutti i clienti di completare la migrazione a soluzioni che supportano TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2 e di assicurare che venga usato TLS 1.2 per impostazione predefinita. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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9 Marzo 2020
Esporta i report di Power BI in file PDF, PPTX o PNG usando l'API REST

Power BI include ora un set di funzionalità aggiuntive che consentono di esportare un report di Power BI usando una chiamata REST nei formati di file seguenti: PDF, PPTX (PowerPoint) e PNG. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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