Data security is a very serious and very personal concern for your customers. With Microsoft 365, you can show your customers your genuine commitment to their data security. Microsoft is confident and committed to its security solutions. They offer phone support for critical issues 24/7 that can be taken all the way up to the Office 365 development team, depending on your subscription. You can feel confident with the support you need to keep your customer data secure. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help your business build strong trust with your customers. Contact us to learn more.
Read MoreWhen students struggle with learning disabilities in a traditional classroom, it’s easy for them to feel left behind. Microsoft education tools make it possible for students to create a unique classroom experience by providing customizable learning tools that allow students to learn at their own pace and in the way that best benefits them. This technology enables teachers to collaborate with each other and to create interactive learning experiences that challenge and excite their students. Check out this video to learn more about how Microsoft Education technology is changing the way teachers connect with their students.
Read MoreFlatcar Container Linux di Kinvolk è ora disponibile in Azure Marketplace. Flatcar è una distribuzione non modificabile di Linux per i contenitori ed è un fork compatibile di CoreOS Container Linux. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreLa capacità riservata di Database di Azure per MySQL è ora disponibile per la prenotazione di capacità di calcolo per i server MySQL esistenti e futuri. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreLa capacità riservata di Database di Azure per PostgreSQL per server singolo è ora disponibile per la prenotazione di capacità di calcolo per i server PostgreSQL esistenti e futuri per tre anni. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
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