“The proper use of emojis helps people form relationships and understand one another,” according to a recent research that reviewed 50 studies on the use and impact of emojis in communication. Ryan Jenkins, in his article “50 Percent of Emails and Texts are Misunderstood, But There’s an Easy Way to Change That,” suggests that emojis at work are a no-brainer. Not only do they enhance relationships, but they can close the generational gap and help clarify emotional intent of messaging. Digital communication is an integral component of the modern workplace—read this article to understand why emojis are likely here to stay—and why they benefit your organization 😊
Read MoreAccording to Nate Yohannes, Principal Program Manager for Mixed Reality and AI Engineering at Microsoft, most of the unforeseen issues of artificial intelligence (AI) products can be avoided by increasing representation during decision-making. Listen to this podcast to learn more about his vision for AI and how inclusivity holds the key to creating AI-driven products with greater impact and accessibility.
Read MoreAccording to the World Health Organization, only one in ten people living with a disability has access to assistive technologies. Microsoft is committed to changing this, and over the years has built inclusion into its products and services. One example is the Disability Answer Desk (DAD), a free 24/7 technical support resource. For enterprise customers, there’s also eDAD. @MicrosoftTeams supports students learning at their own pace with assistive technologies and devices for all learning types. View this video to see how students are benefitting in New South Wales, Australia.
Read More93 percent of executives believe their businesses are losing revenue because their existing datasets are causing them to miss opportunities. Read this infographic to learn about the three main reasons that industry leaders are modernizing their datasets via Microsoft #Azure—and the benefits that await them after migrating.
Read More@MicrosoftTeams is not only the hub for teamwork, but it’s also the headquarters for partner services. With its extensive platform capabilities, Teams can deliver custom solutions for your and your customers’ businesses. Use this roadmap with recommended steps to build your Custom Solutions practice. Each step includes links to in-depth, additional insight to help you and your customer. Need guidance or have questions? Connect with AGORA TECH srls
Read MoreGet started today with Azure Virtual Desktop in public preview in Azure China cloud. Deploy and scale Windows desktops and[…]
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