Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed, real-time analytics service designed to help you analyze and process fast moving streams[…]
Read MoreWith September updates, we added support for wild cards and conditional expressions in YAML pipeline files. In addition, we included[…]
Read MoreDevelop customized geolocation-based content and services with Azure Maps Geolocation. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Read MoreMicrosoft speech service just released the de-CH locale that recognizes Swiss dialects as well as standard German as part of[…]
Read Morethyssenkrupp Steel Europe quickly deployed its Company Communicator app for Microsoft Teams, developed using an open-source Teams app template from GitHub, to enable sharing of company news with employees and hosting of large virtual town hall events. This provided executives with the tools they needed to address employees directly and keep them connected when in-person events were not possible during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read MoreObject replication allows you to replicate your premium block blob data at the blob level from one storage account to[…]
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