If you read behind the attention-grabbing headlines, most novel techniques rely on compromised identities.1 In fact, of all the ways[…]
Read MoreIl COVID-19 ha influenzato la vita degli utenti in tutto il mondo. Le restrizioni di viaggio e le nuove regole[…]
Read MoreMicrosoft provides all the tools you need in one location when you run your Windows Server and SQL Server workloads on @MicrosoftAzure, eliminating the need for complicated third parties. Learn how this law firm chose Azure for best accessibility and performance.
Read MoreMicrosoft provides all the tools you need in one location when you run your Windows Server and SQL Server workloads on @MicrosoftAzure, eliminating the need for complicated third parties. Learn how this law firm chose Azure for best accessibility and performance.
Read MoreTi consigliamo di spostare i carichi di lavoro HPC (High Performance Computing) in un’altra dimensione per macchine virtuali HPC. Source:[…]
Read MoreOggi, in occasione del SharePoint Virtual Summit trasmesso in streaming in tempo reale dalla Conferenza su SharePoint in America del[…]
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